Authorities Enforce Closure on Santa Marina Beach Bar in Rhodes

The Santa Marina beach bar in Agia Marina, Rhodes, has been closed after years of illegal operations.

In early June, authorities temporarily sealed off the beach area of the Santa Marina Beach Bar in Agia Marina on the eastern Aegean island of Rhodes after inspections revealed numerous zoning violations tipped off by MyCoast app users.

Officials from the Dodecanese branch of the Public Real Estate Corporation, with support from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) and the police, issued a 48-hour ultimatum for the removal of unauthorized sunbeds. The owner failed to comply, resulting in the permanent closure of the establishment on Thursday, June 21, 2024.

The Santa Marina Beach Bar owner originally obtained permits in 2014 and 2015 strictly for a food truck but expanded the enterprise illegally. Despite orders for the structures’ demolition issued in 2016 and a subsequent decision in 2017 to seal the establishment, the bar continued to operate unabated for years.

Meanwhile, the status of demolitions of illegal structures on the coasts of the Dodecanese islands remains uncertain. The Legal Council of the State recently ruled to freeze demolitions following an amendment to legislation that impacted the Dodecanese region. Before proceeding, the council recommended reviewing the 400 demolition protocols in Rhodes with new inspections. Given the understaffing of relevant services, this decision delays action on encroachments for at least two years.

Notices in both English and Greek have been prominently displayed, warning that any breach of the seal now constitutes a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment.

Last year, the same establishment drew attention for illegally placing sunbeds in the sea. These beds and other unlawful installations were dismantled at the end of the previous season.

Categories: Greece
Iorgos Pappas: Iorgos Pappas is Argophilia's travel and lifestyle co-editor and reporter. He has lived in cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Budapest, and has accumulated most of his frequent flier miles from trips to and from Belgium.
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