Cyprus Banks Issue Caution Over 2024 Tourism Expectations

Banks in Cyprus voice concerns over anticipated tourism highs.

Economic Uncertainties Temper Optimism Despite Stable Start

Banks in Cyprus are advising against setting high hopes for new tourism records on the island, pointing to an underwhelming performance in May.

  • Despite concerns, they expect tourism to remain steady in 2024 but are doubtful about breaking new records due to ongoing conflicts and inflation pressures.
  • Senior banking sources note that card transactions linked to the tourism industry in May fell short of expectations, suggesting a cautious outlook for the summer season.
  • They partly attribute the decline to regional conflicts affecting tourist inflows from traditional markets.

While the official figures for May are still awaited, data indicate a trend similar to April, which saw a slight dip in tourism arrivals compared to the previous year but remained steady overall from January to April.

  • Arrivals from major countries like the UK, Israel, Poland, Germany, and Greece, supported by favourable winter weather, helped sustain Cyprus’ tourism momentum.
  • Previous years, especially 2023, set high tourism revenue benchmarks, making it challenging to match them in 2024.
  • Although the first months of 2024 showed promise, uncertainties cloud the prospects of surpassing past records.
Categories: Cyprus
Iorgos Pappas: Iorgos Pappas is Argophilia's travel and lifestyle co-editor and reporter. He has lived in cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Budapest, and has accumulated most of his frequent flier miles from trips to and from Belgium.
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